如果是以计算为主的科目,如 F5(PM)、F6(TX)、F7(FA)、F9(FM)、P6(ATX), 我一般会将一些经...
1.Syllabus and study guide(考纲):是ACCA小伙伴们的复习必备,里面会详述相应科目的考试范围 2.Guid...
The study guide is a precise reflection and breakdown of the syllabus. It is divided into sections based on the main capabilities identified in the syllabus. These sections are divided into subject areas which relate to the sub-capabilities included ...
Back to Performance Management (PM) Building blocks of performance management Introduction Students often find the constructed response questions in Section C of the Performance Management exam challenging. The purpose of this article is to identify t...
如果是以计算为主的科目,如PM、TX、FR、FM、ATX,我一般会将一些经典的format,如计算个人所得税,企业预算,Discounted Cash Flow,合并报表的format 和计算步骤记录下来,在考试前反复复习。 如果是以论述体为主的科目,如SBR、AAA,我则会把一些代表性的练习题答案复印下来,或者把答案的提纲抄下来,有时还会把课本上...
PM (F5) APM (P5) F2/FMA BA (P3) ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved. 5 RATIONALE The syllabus for Paper F5, Performance Management, builds on the knowledge gained in Paper F2, Management Accounting. and seek to examine candidates’ understanding of how to manage the performance of a business...
The study guide is a precise reflection and breakdown of the syllabus. It is divided into sections based on the main capabilities identified in the syllabus. These sections are divided into subject areas which relate to the sub-capabilities included ...