Detailed information on each performance objective can be found in the Performance objectives booklet (which can be downloaded from the PER support page). Detailed information on each performance objective can be found in the Performance objectives booklet. How should practical experienc...
通过13或14门考试 完成PER(实践工作经验要求) 完成EPSM(道德测试)📝 PER的具体要求包括: 超过36个月的会计或财务相关工作经验 撰写9个performance objectives(绩效目标)🔍 完成道德测试后,PER是申请会员资格的必经之路。PER需要填写36个月的工作经验,并且工作经验需要被认证。此外,还需要撰写和认证9个绩效目标。如...
通过13或14门考试 完成PER(超过36个月的会计或财务相关工作经验,并撰写9个performance objectives) 完成EPSM(道德测试)🔍 PER申请细节: PER需要填写36个月的工作经验,并且工作经验需要被认证。 需要撰写9个performance objectives,并完成认证。 如果帮你认证的人(supervisor)不是ACCA会员,而是其他IFAC认证的会员(例如C...
写完9个performance objectives 完成the Ethics and Professional Skills Module (EPSM) 也就是道德测试。这个测试做完后,PER是不可避免的一个申请条件。你需要填写36个月的工作经验,并且这个经验需要被认证。另外,你还需要撰写和认证9个performance objectives。在这个过程中,帮你认证的人(supervisor)如果不是ACCA会员,...
ACCAPERperformanceobjectives(最新的完整版).pdf,Performance objectives are benchmarks of effective performance that describe the types of work activities students and affiliates will be involved in as trainee accountants. They also outline the values an
Performance objectives are divided into nine areas which are closely linked to the exam syllabus – reinforcing that any knowledge developed through the exams process will have a clear application in the workplace. Each trainee is required to plan with their workplace mentor which performance ...
如果您是ACCA培训生发展类黄金或白金级认可雇主的员工,您将可以享受PER的豁免,具体流程为: 填写Performance Objectives豁免申请表,填写完整的PER豁免申请表扫描后发邮件至:members@ 如您不确认所在的企业是否为ACCA黄金或白金级认可雇主,您可通过当地代表处进行查询。
3、完成9个Performance objectives(PO)并让PES在线确认所有PO。9个PO包括:五项核心能力目标(必选)、...
Planning ahead for meeting performance objectives Although mandatory, you still need to think how the five Essentials performance objectives can be best achieved through workplace experience. You are free to choose any four from the 15 Technical performance objectives. However, opting for those t...
(如果您现在的雇主是我们的黄金或白金级认可雇主,您可以申请豁免Performance Objectives, 只需填写附件中的Approved Employer PER confirmation form并找您的PES审核签名。然后将其扫描发邮件至: 如您不确认所在的企业是否为ACCA黄金或白金级认可雇主,您可通过当地ACCA办公室进行查询) ...