Fulfill your homework.(eg: past paper……) 通常就是练习册和历年真题。 Managing the questions(Optional) 在每次做完选客观题或者历年真题的时候,我都会用Excel来整理题目,就拿FM来说,Part A的部分在Kaplan和BPP那一侧里面是第几到第几题,这样整理,可以让你对你要做的事情比较清晰。 当然我认为更为重要的是...
4.Past exam papers(真题):这个就不用我多说了吧,就是过去的ACCA考试卷,考前多刷真题是通向成功的不二法门! 5.Technical Articles(考官文章):这是ACCA团队对于一些常考重要知识点的解析,无论是在考前还是在第一轮学的时候,都是很有帮助的学习资料。
Fulfill your homework.(eg: past paper……) 通常就是练习册和历年真题。 Managing the questions(Optional) 在每次做完选客观题或者历年真题的时候,我都会用Excel来整理题目,就拿FM来说,Part A的部分在Kaplan和BPP那一侧里面是第几到第几题,这样整理,可以让你对你要做的事情比较清晰。 当然我认为更为重要的是...
3、页面往下滑就能看到acca各科目了,想要什么科目的真题就点击科目名称,如果想要F6的真题,点击F6 Taxation。 4、进入之后就能看到F6的各类资料了,考试大纲、历年真题、通过率、考官文章等,点击对应的入口就能看到各资料,查看历年真题,点击past exam papers; 5、如该科目有不同的版本需要选择考试版本就可以进...
ACCA考试真题可以在ACCA官网下载。考生可以登录ACCA官网,将鼠标放在”Students”处,然后点击”Exam support resources”,再根据出现的选项选择所需科目,点击”Past exam papers”,进入后即可下载历年试题及答案的PDF文件。 ACCA怎么用真题复习 在使用ACCA历年真题进行复习时,可以运用以下几种方法: 1)用真题模拟考试场景:...
ACCA Past Papers - OpenTuition.com Free resources for accountancy studentshttps://www.facebook.com/opentuitioncom
Huge bank of past exam papers and resources ACCA and BPP work together in collaboration to deliver a range of programmes that allow students and members to gain those all-important skills which will make them stand apart from the crowd, stay ahead of their learning needs and really demonstrate...
Online courses for ACCA, CIMA, CAT, and DipIFR qualification. Pass your exam using our Study materials (Course notes, revision course, mock exam, past papers, practise test).
professional-exams-study-resources/strategic-business-reporting/past-exam-papers.html 网址查看。 (点击展开) 10.财务管理(FM) 题型: 例题如下: 请考生自行前往: https://www.accaglobal.com/ content/dam/ACCA_Global/ Students/resourceFinder/ FM_SD21...
Huge bank of past exam papers and resources ACCA and BPP work together in collaboration to deliver a range of programmes that allow students and members to gain those all-important skills which will make them stand apart from the crowd, stay ahead of their learning needs and really demonstrate...