Management Accounting (MA) Financial Accounting (FA) Exam aims To teach management accounting techniques which help support businesses plan, control and monitor performance. Students will learn different ways of managing finance within an organisation with the aim of...
Free ACCA Management Accounting (MA) lectures Our free lectures are a complete course for ACCA Management Accounting and cover everything needed to be able to pass the exam well. To fully benefit from our free MA lectures you must also use our free lecture notes while watching the lectures. ...
MA考试形式是2小时的CBE机考,问题类型广泛,包括:单项选择、填空题、多项选择、多项匹配、列表题等。 考试题型及题量: Section A部分:35道2分题 Section B部分:3道综合题,内容分别是大纲中的C、D、E的部分 FA(Financial Accounting财务会计) FA考试形式是2小时的CBE机考,问题类型广泛,包括:单项选择、填空题、多...
ACCA季考是一种考试形式,代表每年的3月、6月、9月和12月的季考,即一个季度一次的考试。ACCA的考试科目部分是需要参与季考进行考试的,部分科目则是随时机考,不限定考试时间。 随时机考的科目:Business and Technology(商业与科技)、Management Accounting(管理会计)、Financial Accounting(财务会计)、Corporate and Busi...
>>F2-管理会计Management Accounting(MA) 特点: *9,理论与应用结合,知识点可以各自独立出题,也可以相互联结。 第二,核算题目占比多于文字题目。 学习时注意: *9,计算题目动手练习,多做多思考,注意错题的整理和反思。 第二,建议大家在学习期间要按照章节顺序进行学习,不要“跳跃”学习。每章节结束注意本章节的总结...
Management Accounting (MA) Financial Accounting (FA) Corporate and Business Law (LW) 了解随时机考中心地点以及联系方式 分季机考报考(PM-FM&SP) 以下科目属于分季机考(Session-CBE),学员需要在myACCA账号里操作报考。 Performance Management (PM)
Take MA Revision Mock Exam (Management Accounting Exams) To benefit the most from this MA Revision Mock Exam, please turn off all distractions and sit it under real exam conditions. When you complete your exam, your result will be displayed instantly on the screen and you can review your ans...
1、进入ACCA官网,登录myACCA账户,在首页点击【Book an exam】进入【Exam Entry】,点击【Add an exam】-【Centre】。 2、选择考试国家以及城市,确认报考的考季和选择考试科目,选择考试版本(如需),点击【Add to your plan】。 3、点击【Confirm availability】确认考位,点击科目名称,出现阅读考试相关规定,阅读后下...
Introduction to Management Accounting Examining team guidance Tips and insights directly from the examining team Syllabus Maths and English language support Learning and revision ACCA Study Hub - Introduction Practice tests Mock exam with detailed solutions and marking guidance ...
2、进入考试信息页面,在“Exam attendance docket”中点击“Download Docket”;3、确认准考证信息无误后,下载并打印PDF准考证,然后点击左侧的EXAM ENTRY。2023年3月ACCA考试科目 ACCA考试科目共有15门。第一部分为基础阶段,分为知识课程与技能课程两个部分。第二部分为专业阶段,分为核心课程与选修(四选二)课程...