Browse our list of ACCA qualifications tailored to your current expertise, guiding you to elevate your career. Explore our levels of entry today.
You need three GCSEs and two A Levels in five separate subjects including maths and English (or their equivalent) to start the ACCA Qualification Find out more about the minimum entry requirements for all of our qualifications. Work experience Three years. Number of exams Up to 13, depending ...
ACCA Qualification Levels ACCA Applied Knowledge Gain an in-depth introduction to financial and management accounting. Study routesBuy paperSubscriptionApprenticeship Papers Business & Technology (BT) Financial Accounting (FA) Management Accounting (MA) ...
Future accountants new to the field may enter the ACCA qualification program at the entry level if they have completed two A levels and three General Certificates of Secondary Education (GCSEs). Otherwise, potential students will need to complete a foundational accounting course first and may need...
对于F1课程的学习,有以下几点建议:1.看书.ACCA的书有两种版本-FTC和BPP,BPP写的比较详细便于刚刚接触ACCA的学生使用.对于F1这门课我建议尽量把书通读一遍,做到每个知识点都至少了解的程度,毕竟F1的考点很分散.如果在时间不充足的情况下,可以不把全书通读一遍,从目前的两套题-Pilot Paper和2007年12...
Completing the ACCA Level 4 Apprenticeship: Professional Accounting programme opens doors to: Progression to advanced accounting qualifications, including the ACCA qualification. Practical experience in key accounting tasks such as financial reporting, management accounting, and auditing. A strong foundation f...
ACCA F1这门课主要涉及到以下三门主要学科:组织行为学,人力资源管理,会计和审计。其中F1内组织行为学的内容包括:组织结构,个体,群体,团队管理,组织文化,管理原理和领导理论,激励理论,和沟通原理等,人力资源管理方面内容包括:招聘选拔,公平工作机会和多样化员工管理,员工培训和开发,绩效考评,和...
Achieving a pass in F1 requires a broad-based approach, balancing the need to cover all areas of syllabus without necessarily having to expore individual topics in any great depth.The deeper understanding is tested at the higher levels of the ACCA qualification in papers such as P3. ...
Please note if you want to achieve the Oxford Brookes BSc degree in Applied Accounting,the degree must be completed within 10 years of your initial registration on the ACCA Qualification otherwise your eligibility will be withdrawn.This rule remains unchanged. ...