Using our Practice Platform allows the opportunity to prepare using live exam format, layout and functionality and provides access to ACCA specimen, past and mock exams. Our data shows that students who engage with these amazing resources show an increase in pass rates – meaning stronger exam ...
Mock exams September 24 What are Practice Tests? Practice Tests replicate the format of our on-demand computer-based exams (CBEs) and are available for ACCA's Applied Knowledge and Corporate and Business Law (LW) exams and Foundations exams FA1, MA1, FA2, MA2, FFA, FMA and...
FA2 Maintaining Financial RecordsYou'll develop knowledge and understanding of the underlying principles and concepts relating to Maintaining Financial Records and technical proficiency in the use of double-entry accounting techniques including the preparation of basic financial statements. ...
We also recommend that all our students use the ACCA exam Practice Platform, a free resource allowing them to practise questions and attempt mock exams with software that simulates the real exam platform. Accompanying the platform are guides to self-marking and debrief resources, to help students...