fundamentals-exams-study-resources/f8/past-exam-papers.html网址查看。 (点击展开) 2.高级审计与认证业务(AAA) 题型: 国际(INT): 英国(UK): 例题如下:国际(INT) 请考生自行前往: content/dam/ACCA_Global/ Students/reso...
3、页面跳转后点击屏幕中的[ACCA qualification]。 4、弹出ACCA的各个科目,点击科目即可获得该科目的学习资料(例:如需要F6的真题,点击[Taxation(TX)])。 5、进入页面后即可看到F6的各类资料了,包含几个不同种类,如考试大纲、历年真题、通过率、考官文章等。 6、我们需要真题则点击[past exam papers],选择考试版本...
Auditors should prepare and organise their working papers in a manner that helps the auditor carry out an appropriate audit service. The auditor should avoid preparing or accumulating unnecessary working papers, and should therefore avoid making extensive copies of the...
5、点击之后就会进入到历年考题、通过率、考官文章等各类资料界面了 6、选择看历年真题,点击past exam papers 7、选择考试版本,包括UK、INT、HKG、CHN等 8、选择之后就能进入到历年考题的界面了,可以下载下来 学姐可以把当时上岸的备考规划给你。少走1个月的弯路,同时我把备考的资料分享给大家,都是课程的内部资料,...
papers. (8 marks) Note: You are not required to perform numerical calculations in this question. (Total: 30 marks) KAPLAN PUBLISHING Page 3 of 6 ACCA F8 (INT) Audit and Assurance QUESTION 2 'The auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to be able to draw reasonable ...
(ii) Draft a lead schedule for the receivables section of your audit working papers. (8 marks) Note: You are not required to perform numerical calculations in this question. (Total: 30 marks) ACCA F8 (INT) Audit and Assurance 4 KAPLAN PUBLISHING QUESTION 2 Fraud and error present risks to...
This lack of verification can lead to wild claims in the white papers, and increased potential for fraudulent offers or Ponzi schemes, especially given the over-enthusiasm among some investors. Global regulators have developed specific guidelines on the format and content of, and the regulatory ...
ACCA has 92 offices worldwide with 8500 plus employees. Paper F1, F2, F3 are related to Knowledge or Basic Examinations. Paper F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, and F9 are related to the skills-based exam. Professional Papers are P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, and P7. ACCA Examination will be held...
SIGIR-AP 2024 First Call For Papers SIGIR-AP(亚太)年度会议是一个关于信息检索的新地区性会议。在中国北京举行的第一届SIGIR-AP会议之后,第二届SIGIR-AP会议(SIGIR-AP 2024)将以线上线下混合会议的形式于2024年12月9日至12日在日本东京举行。被接受的论文作...