As a result, in the best case scenarios,(1) 3D-SSFPE was accelerated by approximately 19 times to the orig-inal Octave code, employing the GPU-enabled Octfile technology, and(2) FDTD was accelerated by approximately 160 times to the originalFortran code using the OpenMP/OpenACC hybrid ...
The poem Mutability quoted in Chapter 10 of the novel was written by ___. A. Percy Shelley B. John Keats C. Lord Byron D. William Wordsworth 查看完整题目与答案 全球降水量季节变化小的主要集中于中纬度地区大陆的东岸和西岸,东岸是夏季降水少,冬季降水多,西岸则是夏季降水多,冬季降水少。
Chapter tests. Final exams. The daunting national examinations for those planning to go to college. You can... A. Y B. N C. NG 查看完整题目与答案 患者,男,52岁,因心脏病、房颤住院治疗,病情好转准备出院休息,突然出现下肢剧痛,色苍白,患肢大腿下段皮温较对侧为低,查足背动脉搏...