Performance is shown on a Net Asset Value (NAV) basis, with gross income reinvested where applicable. The return of your investment may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations if your investment is made in a currency other than that used in the past performance calculation. ...
(CRP) 生产能力需求计划 Capital 资本 Capital account 资本账户 Capital addition 资本增加 Capital asset 资本性资产 Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) 资本产品定价模型 C Capital budget 资本预算 Capital budgeting 资本预算编制 Capital decay 资本衰减 Capital expenditure 资本性支出 Capital expenditure budget ...
BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising out of the use or reliance on the information provided including without limitation, any loss of profit or any other damage, direct or consequential. You may leave the BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a depreciable asset declaration support system, a depreciation asset declaration support method, and a depreciable asset declaration support program for accurately predicting and taxing omitted declaration or undeclared depreciation assets.磯山 左門...
拨号,打电话 declaration n./v.推迟;耽搁,延误 vi.(on/upon) 决定于; vt.破坏,摧毁;消灭, dialect n.宣布,宣告;声明; delete 依靠,依赖;信任 扑灭;打破,粉碎 n.方言 申报 vt.删除 dependent destruction dialogue declare delicate a.(on/upon)依靠的,依 n.破坏,毁灭 n.对话,对白 v.宣告,宣布,声明; ...
Customer Declaration: 第一部份 Part I:(请于以下二者选其一 Please choose from either one below) 本人谨此声明根据本人所知悉的全部,为本问卷提供有效,真实,完整,准确及最新的资料,并同意及确认上述已正确显示本人的投资风险取向. I herebydeclare that the information I provide in this form is valid...
= "": superCall = " : " & superCall @@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ proc genProcHeader(m: BModule; prc: PSym; result: var Rope; asPtr: bool = false) # handle the 2 options for hotcodereloading codegen - function pointer # (instead of forward declaration) or header for function body...
This publication focuses on the processes and standards that are relevant for Swiss Re's underwriting and asset management activities. In both underwriting and asset management, the framework's application depends on the respective operationalisation processes (please see the section "Operationalisation of...
EXTRASTAT Declaration (DME) KOBRA (DME): Overview KOBRA (DME): Report Documentation Ready-to-Print Foreign Trade Docum ents HUMAN RESOURCES Payroll On this page MASTER DATA ACCOUNTING: Taxes ACCOUNTING: Payment Transactions ACCOUNTING: General ASSET ACCOUNTING TRAVEL MANAGEMENT TREASURY REAL EST...