ROMANIALEGAL instrumentsLETTERS of creditINVESTMENT bankingAPPELLATE courtsCONSTITUTIONAL courtsMy 'opinion' or, if I may call it so, research begins with a few introductory remarks. It continues with a second section, where the reader may notice a kind of dial...
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Find a place to stay Live Photos View All Photos What fans are saying Mihaela Roxana February 17th 2025 Just wonderful! Iaşi, Romania@ Casa de Cultura a Studentilor Iași Easily follow yourfavorite artistsby syncing your music Sync Music...
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16 (Equality of rights") from Romania's Constitution, and several provisions of Romanian Penal Procedure Code relating to cassation appeal. Concluding, the author expresses the opinion according to which the Romanian law does not guarantee the indiscriminate right of appeal for the plaintiff claiming...
The decision is historic because the High Court crossed two decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania, which had found, after consideration of all the reasons on which the highest court in the country based its decision, that the domestic norm in question was not contrary to said ...
There is analysed the basis of reporting the financial performance in the public sector in Romania and it is proposed the integral adoption of accrual accounting, basis responding to the real informational needs of the public sector entities, too.TEFNESCU...
要去Romania吗?预订前,请阅读所有最新旅行要求与限制。 了解详情 马赫穆迪亚 酒店住宿设施服务 无障碍设施 上网服务 休闲娱乐 清洁度和安全 餐饮服务设施 便利服务设施 儿童设施 其他设施服务 交通服务 所有客房均提供 可用语言 英语 罗马尼亚语 实用数据 入住/退房办理 ...
The orphanage was financially supported by the Romanian state with participation of the Bessarabian Metropoly and was known not only in Romania but also abroad. The article is based on the archive materials as well as a collection of photographs and documents from the National Museum of ...