这么看来,Acadia这个古朴又美丽的名字,确实很适合这个拥有悠久的历史和独特的美景的小岛。 几千年来,印第安人住在树皮帐篷里靠打渔维持生存,图片来自Acadia NP官网 不能错过的Acadia主线剧情攻略 Acadia国家公园由三部分组成,一大一小两个岛, Mount Desert和Isleau Haut,以及Schoodic半岛,大部分访客会选择只拜访主要景点...
Great tour of Acadia NP We had a wonderful tour! Our tour guide, Mary, was very informative and friendly. We were able to use this tour to jumpstart our week in Acadia. She took us to many popular spots to visit while telling us stories...
Many tours are discounted or free, offered by other local businesses. Whale watching tour, Acadia NP, and more! Getting Here and Getting Around There are several options available to get to Bar Harbor and Mount Desert Island. The easiest method is to fly into Bangor, Maine and then we can...
Answer 1 of 9: Has anybody used a self guided audio driving tour for Acadia NP that they can recommend? We’ll be driving in the park on 2 or 3 separate days. TIA!
#走四方##缅因#不论Acadia NP是否开门,龙虾是一定要吃的!在去Acadia的必经之路上有一家声名显赫的Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound春顿桥龙虾馆,按斤称好龙虾然后现在大煮锅里煮,新鲜多汁,这个季节的龙虾膏黄也都很多。最好挑1.5磅左右的中等个头,比较鲜嫩1237 Bar Harbor Rd, Trenton, ME ...
Tip1: 如果是去Acadia NP看红叶,在十月中旬(一般是中旬前一些,今年暖和,就到了我们去的时候差不多是peak) Tip2: 波士顿到Acadia NP,车程在五个半小时到六个小时。路上有收费站。租车最好带上EZpass,也不贵。具体租车攻略《那一年盛夏,来自太平洋的风——加州一号公路》有链接。 Tip3: 在入园前去visitor cen...
There are two campgrounds in Acadia NP on Mount Desert Island. The price is a reasonable $20 and there is no fee for reservations. I am staying at Blackwoods, the more central campground and closest to Bar Harbor, the largest town. ...
接上期,传个同一天的日落。由于风大最开始脚架有抖动,1/3时长时调整了视角来捕获更全的日落区间。 地点:Cadillac Mountain / Acadia NP 时间:08/12/23 18:32-20:04 配置:索尼A73 + Tamron 17-28mm F/2.8 | 24mm 光圈优先 F/10 ISO Auto |拍摄间隔 5s BGM: Tell your world 小提琴 cover by Ayasa...
由客人在实际入住过Shorefront House with Views, 14 Mi to Acadia NP之后评出。 –位置超赞 - 查看地图 评分8 8.0 评价非常好 非常好 3条住客点评 在这里住过的客人好评 “Great setting and view of Flanders Bay. House had plenty of space and the recently painted walls look great.” ...