期刊全称 Academy of Management Journal 期刊简称 AMJ Print ISSN 0001-4273 Online ISSN 1948-0989 期刊出版社 The Academy of Management 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 否官网地址 期刊所属领域 运筹学与管理科学 期刊简介 管理学院学报(Academy of Management Journal,AMJ)的使命是出版检验、扩展或...
We report the findings of a longitudinal case study of the Child In Need Institute, a nonprofit organization that successfully scaled its impact to reach over seven million beneficiaries. Based on 40 years of archival data and four years of intensive fieldwork, our findings reveal “double weaving...
( 2011 ), “ Management education in the UK: the roles of the British academy of management and the association of business schools ”, British Journal of Management , Vol. 22 No. 3, pp. 382 - 400 . [] []Masrani, S., Williams, A.P.O. & McKiernan, P. (2011). Management ...
This paper uses institutional theory to analyse the role of the British Academy of Management (BAM) and the Association of Business Schools (ABS) in gaining legitimacy for management education in the UK. By the 1980s, serious issues surrounding rigour and relevance were being asked about UK busi...
The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science is devoted to advancing the science and practice of marketing through research-based articles. Serves as a ...
Page 1. This One KS9D-Y2N-28ZL Page 2. Page 3. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Theory andPractice Page 4. Page 5. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Theory and Practice ARUN KUMARRACHANA SHARMA ATLANTIC PUBLISHERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Page 6.doi:10.1080/23322373.2015.994427Mohohlo...
Clearly these young nations had not yet built an economic framework that could sustain the SAPs that they were forced to adopt as a condition for the loans that they desperately needed.doi:10.1080/23322373.2015.994433KwesigaEileenRoutledgeAfrica Journal of Management...
A Review of the Simulation Research in the Academy of Management Journal: Suggestions for Strengthening the Research Conducted by ABSEL Members The Medical Library Association (MLA) has provided its members with a credentialing program since 1949. This article reports on a five-year review of the ...
AJG(原ABS)星级 四星* SCI索引情况 否 SSCI索引情况 SSCI EI索引情况 否 期刊简介 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science(JAMS)致力于营销的研究和改进,通过发表营销实质性领域的研究性文章,成为学术研究和实践之间的重要联系。 提交给JAMS考虑出版的稿件是根据其对营销科学和/或实践的进步的潜在贡献来判断的...