芝加哥艺术学校 Chicago Academy for the Arts 学校地址1010 W Chicago Ave,Chicago, IL 60642 所在 州伊利诺伊 Illinois 学校性质男女合校(走读) 成立时间1981年 年级设置9-12年级 在校人数150 师生比例1:6 AP 课程7门 SAT平均分1731分 学校网站http://chicagoartsacademy.org 美国留学http://www.liumeinet.com...
The Chicago Academy For The Arts 走读学校 男女混校 伊利诺斯 1:4 的师生比例 | 52%的教师高级学位学校简介 芝加哥艺术学院的使命是通过严谨的学术教育和专业艺术培训培养年轻艺术家。芝加哥艺术学院提供了独特和美妙的培训环境教育我们的天才青年。芝加哥艺术学院是一处显而易见学习的地方。芝加哥艺术学院为自我激励...
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Chicago High School for the Arts 2714 W Augusta Blvd Chicago, Illinois 60622 #159 in Illinois High Schools YCCS-West Town Academy Alt High School 500 N Sacramento Blvd Chicago, Illinois 60612 #477-673 in Illinois High Schools DeVry Advantage Academy High School 1900 W Lawren...
96.4% Minority Enrollment 96.4% Minority Enrollment 3.6% White 69.1% Black or African American 25.5% Hispanic/Latino 1.8% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska Native and Two or more races are not included in this breakdown due to an...
KOGAN SELF DEFENSE - Karate Lessons, Kung Fu, MMA, Hapkido, Muay Thai Lessons, Martial Arts Academy-
Chicago, Illinois 60602 #141 in Illinois High Schools YCCS-Innovations of Arts Integr High School 17 N State St Chicago, Illinois 60602 #477-673 in Illinois High Schools Noble St Charter - Mansueto 2911 W 47th St Chicago, Illinois 60632 #125 in Illinois High Schools Noble...
Learn more about Chicago Jesuit Academy here - See an overview of the school, get student population data, enrollment information, test scores and more.
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