Writingup1)2)3)4)5)Writethecontentspage,bibliography,titlepageandabstract.6)Task3:StartingProject Workonthisprojectbyansweringthefollowingquestions,whicharegroupedunderthethreebroadheadingsIntroduction,MainbodyandConclusion.Firstreadthequestions.Introduction Whataretheproblemswearenowfacingintermsof...
IELTS19 Test 1 Writing Task1 | Participants for activities at social centre 25 0 19:33 App IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - How to describe and compare numbers 59 0 10:40 App 剑17 ways to describe trends - ielts writing task 1 mixed charts雅思小作文混合图 4 0 04:41 App Writing a...
Language for writing 一、Vocabulary development 1、Vocabulary for describing cause and effect 第一部分 答案:C EA B H G D F 第二部分 1)A.can trigger 2)A.be influenced by 3)B.result from 4)B.stem from 5)A.prompt 6)B.brings about 二、Grammar 1、Inverted conditionals:unreal past 第一...
Academic Writing Task 2Agree & Disagree Essays: The Environment About this live lesson In this free interactive webinar, our IELTS expert will guide us through how to write a great answer for a very common IELTS Writing task: Agree & Disagree questions. You'll be able to suggest example ans...
IELTS Writing Task 2 (Academic) - 7 Ways To Immediately Increase Your IELTS Writing Score!Tim Dickeson
IELTS ACADEMIC WRITING TASK 2 Type ADVANTAGE and DISADVANTAGE 转自https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_3gVnW7qQF8yh8UTghgKV4g9gCksMlcQ 原作者: 8.5 IELTS SHARING COMMUNITY 希望大家学习愉快!
Writing Task 2 分类突破 雅思写作话题分类 –R eport 【报告型】 Reasons Influences Measures –A rgumentation 【论证型】 Opinions Evidences 首段写法 贫富差距: –在当今社会,贫富差距很普遍并且越来越明显。这种状况如果得不到有效的解决将会给社会带来各种问题。本文将探讨贫富差距产生的原因并提出相应的解决方...
In this free interactive webinar, our IELTS expert will show us how to write a great Problem & Solution Essay for Academic Writing Task 2. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions and give example answers throughout the presentation, along with time for a Q&A session. ...
IELTSAcademicWritingTask2 InthesecondpartoftheIELTSAcademicWritingTest,youhavetowrite250words. Youshouldspend40minutesonthistask.WritingTask2isworthmorethanTask1, soyouneedtodoitwell. ForIELTSWritingTask2,youhavetowriteanessaydiscussingatopic.Youwillbe ...
Achieve your desired band score in the IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 with these 100 common and effective phrases: 1. Agreeing and disagreeing 2. Expressing causes and effects 3. Contrasting and comparing 4. Introducing examples 5. Explaining and clarifying ideas ...