They aren't exactly real questions in any tests, and they only help candidates understand test scenarios. These questions are excellent samples to mock IELTS academic writing test. We link similar topics together and offer answers for part of the problems. So this page also gives you valuable ...
To what extent…: ‘To what extent…’ means ‘how much…’ These questions often ask you whether or not you agree with a statement, and should be tackled in the same way as a Discuss question. Evaluate/Assess:If you evaluate or assess something, you decide how good it is. The best ...
Academic Writing(1)AcademicPaperWriting Professor:XiaolingZou Questionsforthought:1.Doyouoftenreadacademicresearchpapers?Whatkindsofsubjectsdoyouusuallyread?2.Haveyoueverwrittenacademicresearchpapers?3.Wheredoyouusuallyfindthematerialsyouneedforyourpaper?4.Whatdoyouwanttolearnfromthiscourse?1.Aims&Objectives •...
This course has been designed as a resource for university students who are now involved in writing assignments or degree projects and also for the students who wish to prepare for future professional life. Acquiring good academic research and writing skills is very important for your success both...
Read your writing aloud and let your classmates answer these questions: Question 1: What genre (play, newspaper, letter) was chosen for the writing? Question 2: Who seems to be the intended audience for the writing? Question 3: What seems to be the purpose (Inform? Entertain? Persuade ?
In this free interactive webinar, our IELTS expert will show us how to write a great Problem & Solution Essay for Academic Writing Task 2. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions and give example answers throughout the presentation, along with time for a Q&A session. ...
Academic Writing(3)AcademicPaperWriting Professor:XiaolingZou Assignment 1.Whatmustbeyourfirstconcernwhenlookingforatopic?––––Thesubjectmustleadtoagoodtopic.Thetopicshouldraisequestionsthathavenosimpleanswers.Thetopicshouldbespecificratherthanbroadorgeneral.Thetopicshouldbehighlycontroversialorlesswell-known.2....
Be clear about the purpose of the writing task. • Check with your tutor if you are not sure. • Follow the instructions. • See 2 Getting Ready to Write for more about interpreting assignment questions. 1. 2 Who is your audience? Your marker is your most important reader. Although...
Writingup1)2)3)4)5)Writethecontentspage,bibliography,titlepageandabstract.6)Task3:StartingProject Workonthisprojectbyansweringthefollowingquestions,whicharegroupedunderthethreebroadheadingsIntroduction,MainbodyandConclusion.Firstreadthequestions.Introduction Whataretheproblemswearenowfacingintermsof...
Sample Questions and Answers The “Writing for an Academic Discussion” task is the second TOEFL writing question. You will see a question written by a professor and responses written by two students. Your job is to read everything and then answer the question. You will have ten minutes to ...