但科研群体中总会随机的,但又确定的,出现一些写作方面也能建立完备体系的人,如上世纪九十年代著了 The Craft of Scientific的物理学家Micheal Alley,2011年出了备受好评的Writing Science的Joshua Schimle,2016年出版了The Scientist’s Guide to Writing的Stephen B. Heard等。科学工作者全面了解学术写作体系,能用比...
Academic Writing for Graduate Students 豆瓣评分 总体这本书是Academic writing的基础信息,不仅教写作,...
推荐语:Student genres have tended to take a back seat when it comes to the use of corpora to describe academic writing, so this book is a breath of fresh air as much as an important contribution to our understanding of what students write. Some papers based on the British Academic Written...
牛津学术英语写作教材3 英文原版 Oxford Effective Academic Writing 3 英文版 进口原版英语书籍 OUP Oxford 牛津学术英语写作 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 参数 纸质; 版本 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(158) 正品(124) 坚固...
Yet writing good academic English is a demanding task. This new edition of Academic Writing has been fully revised to help students reach this goal. Clearly organised, the course explains the writing process from start to finish. Each stage is demonstrated and practised, from selecting suitab......
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Now in its fifth edition, Academic Writing helps international students succeed in writing essays and reports for their English-language academic courses. Thoroughly revised and updated, it is designed to let teachers and students easily find the topics they need, both in the classroom and for self...
Nesi, H., & Gardner, S. (2012).Genres across the disciplines: Student writing in higher education.Cambridge University Press 推荐语:Student genres have tended to take a back seat when it comes to the use of corpora to describ...
While taking students through the writing process, this book also teaches attention to form, format, and accuracy. Academic Writing is an advanced, process-oriented writing text. The central goals are to teach the process that writers go through to produce texts and to provide instruction on how...
Academic Writing外文书.pdf,Lang. Teach.: page 1 of 18 c Cambridge University Press 2011 doi:10.1017/S0261444811000036 Plenary Speech Writing in the university: education, knowledge and reputation Ken Hyland University of Hong Kong, China khyland@hku.hk T