学习好的 good at subjects involving a lot of reading and studying; good at learning things by studying 纯理论的; 不切实际的 not connected to a real or practical situation and therefore not importantn.(名词) [C]大学教师 a college or university teacher 英英释义 academic[ ,ækə'demik ]...
The focus of this dictionary is clear from the contrasting colours and fonts of the cover title: 'Cambridge academic content dictionary', with the first and last words in white, and 'Academic Content' in blue. The blurb emphasises the academic focus: 'With more than 2,000 content-area words...
Which of the above AWL words do you know? Match the definitions to the word: 1. a single person or thing 2. a particular way of doing something 3. making of new law by a government 4. to decide what the intended meaning of something is ...
Academic English智慧树知到期末考试答案2024年 上传人:题*** IP属地:浙江上传时间:2024-03-23格式:DOCX页数:8大小:18.85KB积分:6版权申诉
Many outstanding educators and scientists may cheat in their academic words. In my opinion, there are three main reasons. 学术造假已成为教育界最严重的问题。世界变得越来越好,而学术造假也变得越来越普遍。什么是学术造假。根据我的理解,它包括抄袭,伪造,欺骗,作弊,破坏以及学术诈欺。许多杰出的教育家和科学...
Pro Tip: When writing an academic CV for humanities, the common practice is to put the words “Curriculum Vitae” below your full name. In technical or business academic fields, adding a link to your LinkedIn profile in your contact information section is strongly recommended. ...
In this type of reading, one inevitably meets new vocabulary, so a further subskill that academic readers should develop is inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words: If you use your existing linguistic knowledge, such as what you know about common...
Useformal vocabulary, such aswords from the academic wordlist (AWL), andwords for numbers up to ten. Avoid less formal or idiomatic vocabulary. ✓Many fathers nowadays... ✗Many dads these days... ✓Major urban centres, such as London and Beijing... ...