本期资源为《使用中的学术词汇第二版Academic Vocabulary in Use Edition with Answers》,PDF格式,学习辅助资源。本资源是任何使用英语进行学术工作的人的完美学习辅助工具,适合任何学科的学生,它已经更新,以反映教育、技术和沟通的变化,包括...
Academic Vocabulary in Use is the perfect study aid for anyone using English for their academic work. Ideal for students of any discipline, from engineers or social scientists to business students or lawyers, it covers all the key vocabulary they will come across in academic textbooks, articles,...
Cambridge - Academic Vocabulary in Use (1st Ed) (2008).pdf English2019-02-28 上传大小:66.00MB 所需:50积分/C币 traffic-signs-manual-chapter-02-primary-route.pdf traffic-signs-manual-chapter-02-primary-route.pdf 上传者:m0_71545166时间:2022-07-01 ...
(例子丰富,练习多样,有常用句型和表达法) Vocabulary for academic writing. Fallon, M. (2016). Writing up Quantitative Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Feak,C. B., Irwin,V., Swales, J. M. (2009). Online Commentary for Telling a Research Story: ...