Want to know the details of tutoring fees? Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional) show original review Commission-free, flexible trial class, quick introduction and follow-up by customer service, high-quality tutors, recommendation Kate Show more...
Meet Annie, one of our amazing tutors! A lifelong lover of literature and films, I went to Harvard University to pursue creative writing. I have always been passionate about education, and during my time in college, I volunteered with a variety of mentoring and tutoring student groups that se...
Meet Annie, one of our amazing tutors! A lifelong lover of literature and films, I went to Harvard University to pursue creative writing. I have always been passionate about education, and during my time in college, I volunteered with a variety of mentoring and tutoring student groups that se...
The use of near-peers with academic tutors in the same classroom and utilising near-peer teaching for an extended period is unreported in osteopathy and limited in the broader literature.Vaughan, BrettMacfarlane, ChrisInternational journal of osteopathic medicine: IJOM...
A D3 HA coach told my son and me that GPA is the most important qualifier for him, because by at or near the end of Jr year (when D3 HAs get serious about recruiting), GPA is essentially set and can't change significantly; but a student can always re-take the ACT or SAT. (Thi...
We were about 25 feet from the door to the Oval Office (don’t worry we were vetted, scanned, and sniffed[2] before getting anywhere near this area and President Biden was in Delaware). I saw the West Wing portico that Presidents (real and fictional) walk through to get from the Oval...
Note that our professional writing service works on a legal basis. If students decide to order an essay from us, it is the same as if they found a tutor. Both meet academic needs; both help you progress in college. Is it okay for students to have tutors at the place where you study...
Free Online Vocabulary TestK12, SAT, GRE, IELTS, TOEFL Want to know your IELTS vocabulary level? Try the Test Page. You can also Report My Test to us; Our tutors may view your testing and give you a suggestion. It is a FREE service.Vocabulary...
area n. [范围,区域,地区,面积,领域] a plane surface, as of the floor of a room; open space in a building; the enclosed space; extent; scope; range His special interest lies in the area of literature. Show examples and contexts argue v. [辩论,表明,争论,争吵] invent and offer ...