it should not repeat it word-for-word. You should restate some of the main supporting points of your essay, but ultimately you want to leave the reader with a broader idea or a question to contemplate. The Purdue Online Writing Lab states that the conclusion should "leave the reader with ...
Purdue University, Doe v. University of Arkansas, Schwake—came after appeals of strongly pro-university opinions from (often very liberal) district court judges despite what seemed like compelling complaints from accused students. Meanwhile, on the other side, Appeals Courts tended to issue brief ...
Here’s an example of a thesis for an argument essay: Purdue University should offer more scholarships to international students because they have a greater desire to succeed in college, tend to work harder, and graduate more quickly and with greater frequency than American students. This type of...
In this chapter, I call on Canada’s higher education institutions to embrace Veritas (truth), in every aspect of the academy. Academic integrity must transcend discussions of student misconduct and apply to all that we are—our history, our research, our curriculum, our pedagogy, our purpose....
Although they might go by other names, most of these elements are non-negotiable. The bibliography, for example, can’t be skipped. But shorter papers might be able to present sufficient background information in the introduction so that an additional section for it isn’t necessary. For other...
For example, a researcher wishing to incorporate copyrighted content into a scholarly article can review the potential use against the four factors of fair use and make a determination whether, on balance, the use is fair. The four factors include: 1. the purpose and character of the use, ...
The quote also illustrates elements of planning, efficient role allocation, collaboration, interaction, and group processes. For example, Team U demonstrated very shallow planning for goals and roles: in contrast, the teams in the unbalanced category demonstrated a moderate level of use of teamwork ...