December 23 to December 27: Poster selection December 28th to January 15th: Poster Exhibition Offline The selected academic posters will be displayedoffline for a week, meanwhile, an offline voting will be held and top ten acad...
Initially I had thought of this as focusing on an illustration that could be used as an academic poster using the board game as a visual analogy of the process. However, I have learned that a lot of people who have taken the workshop, have been really interested in exploring game ...
- [TeX Poster Template]( A template for creating a nice scientific poster with LaTeX. ## :clap: Supporters [![Stargazers repo roster for @dhondta/tex-cheat-sheet-template](
-poster-girlwith-live2d-to-your-blog-02');; }); if (typeof(waifuPath == "object") loadTipsMessagewaifuPath); $.ajax({ cache: true, Expand All @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function init(waifu, type) { success: function (result){...
Comments: 这几点在已经不那么新的研究领域(比如P2P)里面特别突出。一些较新的研究方向(比如传感器网络)也离此不远。像云计算这样的巨系统和成熟方向更是一个业界统治的领域。感觉文中这三个趋势是学术界在业界的压迫下自寻出路的结果。系统开发需要很大的人力、资金。学术界的小作坊在这些方面很欠缺,尤其是项目管理...
Poster 08. Growth in a Time of Decline: How Local Population Growth Masks Regional DeclineSzafran, Robert F
42nd SYMPOSIUM ON THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE (SETI) - The Next Steps (A4) Poster Session (P)SYMPOSIUMlong-lived civilizationa civilization travellingA long-lived civilization must be a civilization travelling throughout the universe,a starship civilization. In such a era, astronomy...
-poster-girlwith-live2d-to-your-blog-02');; }); if (typeof(waifuPath == "object") loadTipsMessagewaifuPath); $.ajax({ cache: true, Expand All @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function init(waifu, type) { success: function (result){...