Taylor (1947) pointed that the methods of achieving work should be systematically and scientifically planned and set up by manager, and workers should be trained as ‘first-class men’ and strictly follow the determined methods and finish the work efficiently. He proved his theory by an experimen...
答案:Weshouldusespecificnounwordsandphrases.Avoidunnecessaryprepositionsandacronyms. Whatarethekeywordsofaresearchpaper? 答案:Themostimportantandrelevantwordsandphrasesshowingthemaincontentoftheresearcharticle. Whatmodeldoesthefollowingabstractbelongto?Whatfunctionalcompoentsoftheresearchpapercanbefoundintheabstract?Studies...
LanguageFocus:LinkingWordsandPhrases LanguageFocus:this+SummaryWord Presentation Positioning UnitTwo:WritingGeneral-SpecificTexts SentenceDefinitions LanguageFocus:TheGrammarofDefinitions ExtendedDefinitions ContrastiveDefinitions ComparativeDefinitions Generalizations UnitThree:Problem, Process, and Solut ion The Structure...
Contents focus on linking words together, building phrases and sentences, and presenting convincing arguments.48-page Oxford Academic Writing Tutor helps students to develop an academic writing style that is clear, precise and appropriate.Students learn to use the words and phrases in their own ...
But one thing for sure is that you don't need to learn many different ways to say "Firstly" or "Finally". The examiner is not looking for 'difficult' linking phrases. You’d better spend your time learning topic vocabulary instead, and this is the key point to impress the examiner!
»Do not repeat words and phrases from the exam question unless there is no alternative. »Use some less common vocabulary. »Do not use the same word more than once/twice. »Use precise and accurate words in a sentence. It ...
bReadSectionI.ofthetextandlabeltheappropriatesummaryheadinginthetable. cDiscussyouranswerwithotherstudentsand/oryourteacher. Studytip:Readingforgeneralmeaningisaveryimportantskillthatwillhelpyou dealwiththeamountofreadingatuniversity.SeeSkimmingintheIntroduction onpageIX. SummaryheadingsSections Linkingeffectivereading...
1. In written work generalisations are very useful because they can be used to present complex ideas or data in a simple form which is easy to understand and remember:Large companies can offer better career opportunities.Language is an important means of communication.Compare the statements on ...
a word that is used to join other words, phrases, clause 24、s or sentences ( )5.2 Read Sections 2-5 again from Text 1a and find the words in the table. Complete the table by writing the line number where each word occurs in the text and the word class of each word.wordLine ...
Conversational tone, colloquial words and phrases The style of the academic language does not allow colloquial words and phrases. Although all the students feel that ‘the essay language’ should be different, they find it difficult to recognize and avoid colloquialisms in writing. ...