期刊名称:Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences 《数学科学学术期刊 》 Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences 《数学科学学术期刊 》www.boshiwang.com.cn/index.php?m=home&c=View&a=index&aid=1139 ISSN: 2616-5805 征稿方向:数学审稿周期:3个工作日 录用通知:投稿后3个工作日见刊时间:录用后...
Francis Academic Press is one of the world’s largest publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access journals. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the wor
Francis Academic Press is one of the world’s largest publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access journals. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the wor
Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences Academic Journal of Med...
聚焦“双减”出实招,五育融合显成效——楚雄开发区永安小学“双减”典型案例罗菊红(44-45) 明确问题·学科联动·知识互融:小学语文跨学科教学策略佘金敏李平(10-12) 读美·懂美·用美:统编版小学语文一年级上册新教材插图美育价值的充分发挥程蕾(8-9) ...
Journal of statistics & management systems 応用統計学 Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care Mathematical Population Studies Survey methodology 最新期刊 建材与装饰:中旬 河南社会科学 文理导航 模型世界 ...
期刊名称:Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences 《数学科学学术期刊》 ISSN: 2616-5805 征稿方向:数学审稿周期:3个工作日 录用通知:投稿后3个工作日见刊时间:录用后预计2个月(可下载电子版) 检索类型:知网 征稿方向:计算数学 常微分方程数值解 偏微分方程数值解 数值代数 优化计算方法 数值逼近与计算几何 ...
Francis Academic Press is one of the world’s largest publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access journals. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the wor
本刊面向青少年,普及科学知识、提倡科学方法、传播科学思想、弘扬科学精神,培养面向21世纪的全面发展的科技后备军。 发文量:1428 被引量:127 H指数: 开始收录时间:2002(5) CNKI综合因子:0.0 维普期刊影响因子:0.004 万方期刊影响因子:0.0 创刊时间:1993