which attracted 452 responses from 28 countries. It is important to note that the survey was open to all, and it is likely that those who feel strongly about academic freedom of speech will have been particularly motivated to answer it. Nevertheless, those feelings are evident...
academic freedomn(education: freedom of speech)SCSimplified Chinese学术自由xué shù zì yóu TCTraditional Chinese學術自由 academic institutionn(school, university, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese学术机构xué shù jī gòu TCTraditional Chinese學術機構
The Human Right Act 1998:Research,freedomof speech and academic freedom,". Nick Saunders. EducationandtheLaw . 1999Nick Saunders."The Human Right Act 1998:Research,freedomof speech and academic freedom,". EducationandtheLaw . 1999Nick Saunders. The Human Right Act 1998:Research,freedom of ...
According to the HUAF’s official announcement on Thursday, the group’s guiding values are institutional neutrality, nonviolence and respectful dialogue, academic freedom and free speech, and intellectual diversity. “I think that what we’ve seen over the course of the last five or six months ...
At the beginning of the panel, Gersen noted how difficult it was to define what sort of speech should be allowed on the University’s campus. “It’s really hard to figure out what are the things that are offensive, which are obviously supposed to be tolerated on an academic campus,” ...
5) freedom of speech 言论自由权 1. This article explores the relationship between internet privacy right andfreedom of speech, right to information and the government s right to inquiry both at the legislative level and the jurisprudential level, aiming to give maximum protection to internet priva...
academic freedom- the freedom of teachers and students to express their ideas in school without religious or political or institutional restrictions freedom- the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints ...
Contemporary scholars acknowledge a powerful connection between academic tenure and freedom of speech. This study examines whether sufficient safeguards are in place to protect tenure and its concomitant atmosphere of free inquiry, expression, and speech. More specifically, the analysis considers whether ...
what many of my fellow academics and university leaders have been seeking to have heard amid thesound and fury of the contemporary public sphere: that universities rest upon, and must fundamentally seek to uphold, the principles of academic freedom and freedom of speech and expression within th...