postgraduate degree Students Lastly, let's learn how to talk about the people who actually undertake all that studying: SpanishEnglish estudiante student estudiante universitario undergraduate (student), undergrad estudiante graduado , estudiante de posgrado graduate (student) What's in a Title?
The academic genres in the Degree in Spanish PhilologyMartínezAtienza, MaríaPerea Siller, Francisco Javier
National higher education experts’ opinions on the degree of academic immobility in their respective country. Source The survey of national higher education experts conducted specifically for this project. Data reflect responses to the project survey with Likert Scale responses ranging from “1—phenomeno...
academic degree academic department academic freedom academic gown academic program academic relation academic requirement academic robe academic session academic term academic year academically academician acca accelerated References in classic literature ? Verily, on soft soles doth it come to me, the deares...
in secondary schools or proceed to higher-level studies. Spain had a similar structure: the term "Bachiller" was used for those who finished the secondary or high-school level education, known as "Bachillerato". The standard Spanish university 5-years degree was "Licenciado", (although there ...
1.(Education) a dissertation resulting from original research, esp when submitted by a candidate for a degree or diploma 2.a doctrine maintained or promoted in argument 3.(Education) a subject for a discussion or essay 4.(Logic) an unproved statement, esp one put forward as a premise in ...
Portuguese and Spanish We use state-of-the-art automation tools to enable rapid and accurate translations of technical documents. Translation is followed by professional AJE English language editing by a speaker with Native English proficiency and an advanced degree in the relevant area of study. ...
See also:English-Spanish Academic Glossary-Glosario académico inglés-español Abonar derechos correspondientes a la solicitud del título de Licenciado/Graduado en X:Pay the established fees for the Degree of X Acceso a Ulteriores Estudios:Access to Further Studies ...
in Spanish|in French|English synonyms|English Collocations|English Usage|Conjugator|in context|images WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2025 ac•a•dem•ic/ˌækəˈdɛmɪk/USA pronunciationadj. ...
Personal-emotional adjustment relates to the individual’s mental and physical health status in the new environment [31]. Finally, institutional attachment refers to the level of a student’s commitment to educational goals and the degree of attachment to the educational institution they are attending...