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7. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) 8. JSTOR Get the most out of your academic research database Frequently Asked Questions about academic research databases Related Articles Whether you are writing athesis, dissertation, orresearch paperit is a key task to survey prior literature and rese...
Academic researchers in the atmospheric science field rely on journal articles as sources of information relevant to their work. This study investigated which databases and other tools researchers use to search the literature, and how they actually conduct their searches....
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Provides a brief historical background of electronic journals and delineates both positive and negative aspects of the technology for academic libraries. Topics include accessibility; subscription costs; multimedia capabilities; technological, sociocultural, and economic barriers; refereeing, or peer review;...
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Interactive Effect of Cultural Symbols and Human Values on Taste Evaluation | Journal of Consumer Research | Oxford Academic This paper analyzes 19,324 tourism academic articles in 860 journals indexed in the Core Journal of China, CSSCI and CSCD databases from 2003 to 2014. Samp... MW Allen,...
We publish academic journals, books, and conference proceedings. Every item published undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer review process, ensuring that quality remains at the foundation of everything we do. About Us Diamond Scientific Publishing is an international online publishing house. Wepublish...
Reasons for the use and non-use of electronic journals and databases: A domain analytic study in four scholarly disciplines Previous research has shown that there are major differences in the search methods used in different disciplines, and that the use of electronic journals a... S Talja,H ...