USA, Japan11 universities from across the U.S. and JapanMicron, Tokyo Electron, U.S. and Japanese governmentsUPWARDS partnershipWorkforce advancement, R&D in semiconductors (May 23) USARensselaer Polytechnic InstituteIBM, NVIDIA’s Curtis R. PriemIBM Quantum Computational CenterAccelerate New York’s...
and applied finite element analysis. In 2003 Dr. Sheppard was named co-principal investigator on a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to form the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE), along with faculty at the University of Washington, Colorado School of Mines, and...
12/2021 Trusted AI at Scale Challenge Series Awardee, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)/Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)/Griffiss Institute Innovare Advancement Center. Received grant award [AG2]. 8/2018 Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow for 2018-2019. Vanderbilt University Center ...
This appointment is non-tenure-line, but, subject to institutional need and personal job performance, is a continuing post with career-advancement opportunities. We seek scholars with PhDs in Public Health, Medical Anthropology, Medical Sociology or related disciplines with international experience/...
American Association for the Advancement of Science, “”, retrieved 22 August 2018. American Mathematical Society, “”, retrieved 22 August 2018. Fadil Santosa, Big Math Network: Connecting Mathematical Scientists...