This journal also publishes Open Access articles Editor in Chief Prof. Dr. Khalid Saeed ISSN online 1755-831X ISSN print 1755-8301 6 issues per year Subscription price Impact factor (Clarivate Analytics) 2024 0.6 (5 Year Impact Factor 0.6) ...
in the fields of biomedical sciences, behavioral sciences (psychology, anthropology, sociology, and philosophy), natural sciences (biology, botany, microbiology, zoology and ecology), physical sciences, chemical sciences, earth and space sciences and mathematics.Join the conversation about this journal ...
10 rules to use stats (comp biology) Essential statistics with R (UVA) Document and avoid these problems (biostat) StatPrimer (Gerstman) Courses Modern regression (Shalizi, notes) Regression modeling strategies (Harrell) Notes 1 day overview Tests What test should I use? (Examples in R, ...
University administrators are shifting funds and changing evaluation matrixes, and have been placing more emphasis on publications, grants, and high impact factor journal articles. During the six years of my joint appointment at Nanjing Agricultural University, China, I have been struck by the "...
This journal also publishes Open Access articles Editor in Chief Prof. Yaodong Gu ISSN online 1752-6426 ISSN print 1752-6418 12 issues per year Subscription price Impact factor (Clarivate Analytics) 2024 0.7 (5 Year Impact Factor 0.6)
journal. An environment of innovation and creativity could be fostered through the presence of a greater variety of problem-solving approaches [4,29]. Better performance, predictions, and overall results could emerge as problem-solving improves in the presence of a diverse team [30]. It was ...
“PROTACs: great opportunities for academia and industry” in the journal, summarizing the representative compounds of PROTACs reported before the end of 2019. In the past 2 years, the entire field of protein degradation has experienced rapid development, including not only a large increase in the...
Advances via direct-to-biology Direct-to-biology (D2B) has been a truly disruptive innovation and has fundamentally changed the approach to drug discovery at GSK. Specifically, potential drugs can now be discovered more quickly with both the timelines to data generation and the amount of resource...
He is President of the London International Youth Science Forum and President of the Institute of Biology of Ireland. He was a member of the Industrial Research and Commercialization Committee of Enterprise Ireland. He has carried out many collaborations with industry, has 7 patents, multiple ...
October 14, 2010Marc Abrahams The Irish newspaper The Independent reports, in the wake of the 2010 Ig Nobel Biology Prize being awarded to the scientists who documented fellatio in fruit bats, on allegedly-sordid doings in the city of Cork: Notorious fruit bat research wins ‘Ig Nobel’ prize...