Research on optimizing the delivery of public health service. 4302 条款理解医疗卫生的差异:数据收集与 分析 . Understanding health disparities; data collection and analysis. 4303 条款疾病控制中心与雇主为基础的保健 Sec4303. CDC and employer-based wellness 项目 programs. 4304 条款流行病学实验室...
of public health service. 4302条款理解医疗卫生的差异:数据收集与Sec.4302. Understanding health disparities; 分析data collection and analysis. 4303条款疾病控制中心与雇主为基础的保健Sec4303. CDC and employer-based wellness 项目programs. 4304条款流行病学实验室能力拨款Sec.4304. Epidemiology-laboratory capacity...
States, together with their local government counterparts, also provide the vast majority (87%) of public sector funds for public health programs designed to promote health and prevent disease and injury on a population-wide basis. Fiscal constraints and generous federal matching funds create strong ...
第四小节州政府可灵活设立其他替代方案 PART IV—State Flexibility to Establish Alterative Programs 1331条款州政府可为不符合医疗救助计划 Sec. 1331. State flexibility to establish basic 的低收入人士设立基本医疗保险方案 health programs for low-income individual not eligible for Medicaid. 1332 条款关于州...
第一章为美国人民提供高质量、可承受的医THIE1—QUALITY,AFFORDABLEHEALTH 疗卫生服务CAREFORAMERICANS 第一节立即提高美国人民的医疗保险覆盖SubtitleA—ImmediateImprovementsin 率HealthCareCoverageforAllAmericans 1001条款对《公共卫生服务法案》的修订Sec.1001.AmendmentstothePublicHealth ...
LPHI is a statewide, nonprofit organization that coordinates and manages public health programs and initiatives in the areas of health systems development and health promotion/disease prevention and provides an array of services to help meet the needs of local and national partner organizations. The ...
One of the primary reasons to give consumers a public option is because public health insurance programs with a huge pool of patients are in a relatively strong position to leverage lower medical costs. You know, like Medicare does. Here’s what a recent Urban Institute studyfoundabout Medicare...
The Law, Policy, and Ethics of Employers' Use of Financial Incentives to Improve Health The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) turns to a nontraditional mechanism to improve public health: employer-provided financial incentives f... KM Madison,KG Volpp,SD Halpern - 《Journal of ...
This report was produced by the State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) at the University of Minnesota as part of a mixed-methods study, Study of the Impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Implementation in Kentucky, funded by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky (Foundation). ...
Medicare and Medicaid programs; hospital conditions of participation: patients' rights. Final rule. This final rule finalizes the Patients' Rights Condition of Participation (CoP) which is applicable to all Medicare- and Medicaid-participating hospitals a... C C - 《Fed Regist》 被引量: 14发表:...