ACA Pacific ACA Pacific continues to be in the forefront of technology marketplace in Asia, with an extensive network of over 3000 trained and certified channel partners offering an extensive range of integrated solutions, products and professional services in Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore ...
average annual earnings of ICAEW members in the Asia Pacific region* * Source: ICAEW salary survey 2015 The ACA qualification University graduates are able to study for the ACA in Singapore. Students need to have achieved at least a 2:1 in their bachelor's degree or the equivalent from an ...
马来西亚亚太科技大学(Asia Pacific University of Technology &Innovation),简称APU,始建于1993年,位于首都吉隆坡,是一所以计算机(IT)专业为特色的综合性私立大学,开设有马来西亚最齐全的IT类专业。 APU其特色在于结合科技、革新与创意的教育,...
中国国际化妆品、个人及家庭护理用品原料展览会 (PCHi2024) 将于2024年3月20-22日在上海世博展览馆拉开序幕。 力荐的新品百里挑一,优选的展商万里相聚。2024早春三月,PCHi将携手全球700+化妆品领军企业,100+行业资深大咖,30000+专业...
同日下午,新西兰—中国企业对接会在奥克兰华商俱乐部举行,我市企业与新西兰East Pacific Holdings、Condor Fishing Drone、Noah Standard Technology等企业进行了交流对接,无锡泽华经贸有限公司董事长兼总经理张俊作了企业推介演讲。 在澳大利亚期间,无锡团组还考察了新南威尔士州技术与...
索尼 SRG系列全高清 PTZ 远程摄像机 - 产品简介说明书 SRG Series Full-HD PTZ Remote Camera SRG-300SE SRG-300SE SRG-120DS SRG-120DH SRG-120DU SRG-360SHE SRG-300H SRG-300H