The U.S. government does not mandate specific insurance requirements for F visa holders. However, some schools or universities in the US may require US health insurance for international students that is compliant with the ACA standards or their own criteria. In that case, international students ...
关闭2 0 回答 美国生活 5月份Master毕业,6月份开始的OPT,是STEM学科。最近在一家小公司找到full time工作,老板每个月给保险补助,让自己买保险。请问是否需要是ACA compliant的?会不会对后面申请H1B有影响?如果需要,能否推荐一家保险公司?谢谢。 最新提问 12月 30, 2015 分类:美国生活 | 用户: lakewind 已关闭...
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