vl-acad-defun (AutoLISP) vl-acad-undefun (AutoLISP) vl-arx-import (AutoLISP) vl-bb-ref (AutoLISP) vl-bb-set (AutoLISP) vl-catch-all-apply (AutoLISP) vl-catch-all-error-message (AutoLISP) vl-catch-all-error-p (AutoLISP) vl-cmdf (AutoLISP) vl-consp (AutoLISP) vl-directory-files (Aut...
(defun sym ([arguments] [/ variables ...]) expr ...)sym タイプ: シンボル 関数名のシンボル。 arguments タイプ: 整数、実数、文字列、リスト、T、nil 関数が受け入れる引数の名前。 / variables タイプ: シンボル 関数の 1 つまたは複数のローカル変数の名前。 変数名...
autolisp列表如(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 );获得3到6之间的子列表怎么写命令得到的列表是(3 4 5 6 );去掉第3个列表的程序怎么写,得到的列表(1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9),没有3了;格式如(defun c2r (xlist) (cdr xlist)
(defun sym ([arguments] [/ variables ...]) expr ...)sym タイプ: シンボル 関数名のシンボル。 arguments タイプ: 整数、実数、文字列、リスト、T、nil 関数が受け入れる引数の名前。 / variables タイプ: シンボル 関数の 1 つまたは複数のローカル変数の名前。 変数名...
(defun-q s::startup (x) (print x)) S::STARTUP (defun-q my-startup (x) (print (list x))) MY-STARTUP Use defun-q-list-set to combine the functions into a single function: (defun-q-list-set 's::startup (append (defun-q-list-ref 's::startup) (cdr (defun-q-list-ref...
(defun myfunc (x y) ...)Function takes two arguments(defun myfunc (/ a b) ...)Function has two local variables(defun myfunc (x / temp) ...)One argument, one local variable(defun myfunc () ...)No arguments or local variables
(defun-q-list-ref 'function ) function Type: Symbol A symbol naming the function. Return Values Type: List, Symbol, or nil The list definition of the function; otherwise nil, if the argument is not a list. Examples Define a function using defun-q: (defun-q my-startup (x) ...
(defun-q s::startup (x) (print x))S::STARTUP(defun-q my-startup (x) (print (list x)))MY-STARTUP Usedefun-q-list-setto combine the functions into a single function: (defun-q-list-set 's::startup (append (defun-q-list-ref 's::startup) ...
(defun-q sym ([arguments] [/ variables ...]) expr ...)sym Type: Symbol A symbol naming the function. arguments Type: Integer, Real, String, List, T, or nil The names of arguments expected by the function. / variables Type: Symbol The names of one or more local ...