You don’t need to buy a separate security box device like Cujo or Circle to add security to your network. A free lifetime subscription of TP-Link HomeCareTMcomes with antivirus, parental controls and QoS. Antivirus Every device that uses Wi-Fi is protected by HomeCareTM. That includes ...
Link Aggregation Enjoy combined Ethernet speeds up to 2 Gbps on NAS devices by teaming two of the four Gigabit LAN ports. Double the connection speeds to an external storage device for even faster streaming and data backups than ever. 2X speed...
Learn about Alexa integration > Learn about our custom Alexa skills > Alexa,tell TP-Link to prioritize my laptop’s Wi-Fi connect !
Archer C5400結合三頻Wi-Fi速度最高5334Mbps,讓您可以把整個頻段給遊戲專用而絕不拖慢整個您的網路。 智慧連接能動態辨認所有您的設備並分配它們到快速可用的頻段,以確保穩定性與效能。 瞭解更多智慧連接技術 > 瞭解更多智關於三頻 > 2.4GHz 1000Mbps 在筆電、智慧型手機、平版電腦上線上購物、串流音樂、瀏...
More Bands, More Devices - Tri-Band Wi-Fi offers three distinct wireless bands for more devices Multiple Reliable Connections - MU-MIMO allows the router to achieve 4X efficiency by communicating with up to four devices at once Smoother Performance - Smart Connect automatically assigns each device...
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TP-LINK 普联 AC5400 三频 无线路由器是一款性能强劲且功能全面的高端新品。它以5400Mbps的传输速度远超市场上的大多数产品,同时兼容Wi-Fi 5技术,确保了更高的兼容性和更快的网络速度。AC5400还支持MU-MIMO技术,允许多个设备同时连接网络,不会因为设备数量增加而影响网络速度,从而提供更加稳定的上网...
网页 标志 功能描述AC5400WirelessTri-BandMU-MIMOGigabitRouter 类似零件编号 - AC5400 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 Teledyne Technologies I...AC540 175Kb/2PTO-8 CASCADABLE AMPLIFIER Shanghai Leiditech Elec...AC5401 ...
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