ASUS RT-AC2400 Dual Band WiFi Gaming Router, up to 1620 sq ft & 30 + devices, Game acceleration, esay Port Forwarding, MU-MIMO High-speed WiFi performance up to 2400Mbps 2.4G 3T3R + 5G 4T4R concurrent speed up to a combined 2400 Mbps data rate. ...
ASUS has a range of wireless routers suitable for every purpose. Whether it's for your home, for business trips, or for any other need or environment, there's an ASUS router for you.
的新旗舰路由器RT-AC87U终于正式和我们见面了。 具体规格方面,华硕RT-AC87U是基于Quantenna的QSR1000方案打造的,号称支持支持4x4 MU-MIMO技术,提供了1个2.4GHz频段和1个5GHz频段,前者带宽600Mbps,后者为1733Mbps,总带宽接近2.4Gbps。 该路由器提供了四根外置式天线,拥有1个WAN口和4个千兆LAN口,此外背部还能看到...
ASUS has a range of wireless routers suitable for every purpose. Whether it's for your home, for business trips, or for any other need or environment, there's an ASUS router for you.
ASUS has a range of wireless routers suitable for every purpose. Whether it's for your home, for business trips, or for any other need or environment, there's an ASUS router for you.
ASUS RT-AC87U双频4x4无线AC2400路由器用户指南说明书
其实大部分的价格是这样的279.9刀,获取不到连接直接上好了。[商品:ASUS RT-AC87U Wireless-AC2400 Dual Band Gigabit Router] 我是ebay购买的。到时有200-20的海淘优惠码,限量3000貌似,50金币收入一枚。 美国运了3天usps,美国人民真的生活在水深火热之中啊,邮费,费 ...
"One of the fastest routers we've tested, the Asus ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 offers lots of gamer-friendly features, copious I/O ports, and a slick management console that lets you optimize your network for lag-free gaming." "The Asus RT-AC86U is a fast AC2900 dual band router that'...
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[商品:华硕(ASUS)RT-AC87U 2400M AC双频 智能无线路由器] 说说我家的无线路由需要链接的设备:iPhone5s、iPhone6、iPadmini、iMac、MacbookAir x2、AppleTV、NAS(网线)、智能插座x2;NAS每天要给3台电 脑备份,LD还要在线看B站,我还要看电影、美剧、睡觉后下载电影、定时同步云盘神马的,好忙的 ...