Almost all electronics projects and parts for sale on SparkFun run on DC. Everything that runs off of a battery, plugs in to the wall with anAC adapter, or uses a USB cable for power relies on DC. Examples of DC electronics include: Cell phones The LilyPad-basedD&D Dice Gauntlet Flat-...
Direct Current DC is the type of current that is produced by a source that has no moving parts. Good examples of DC are solar panels and ordinary batteries. The chemical energy inside a battery pushes electrons in one direction only and thus the current that is produced is also unidirecti...
Learn about AC power and see the average power in an AC circuit. Study the alternating current power formula and use it to study examples of AC...
Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of AC and DC current. DC current: It has a constant magnitude that does not go to zero with time. It does not possess any frequency because of this; it is called direct current or unidirectional current. ...
This principle of centerline symmetry should not be confused with symmetry around thezeroline. In the examples shown, the horizontal centerline of the waveform happens to be zero volts on the time-domain graph, but this has nothing to do with harmonic content. ...
Click on read more to download the Code Examples. 嵌入式软件 RTA-CAR Classic Autosar platform software framework for automotive applications ETAS GmbH Premium Partner Read More ETAS offers the RTA-VRTE (Vehicle Runtime Environment) based on AUTOSAR....
“square” relationship between average and RMS. This worked well, but meter calibration was probably too labor-intensive for today’s market, so it has been replaced by other techniques. (There is an excellent discussion of how to approximate functions with diodes, including examples, inNonlinear...
Avariable speed drive(VSD) is any drive that can control the speed of a piece of equipment, including both AC and DC motors. VSDs can operate via mechanical, hydraulic, or electrical means. Avariable frequency drive(VFD) is used to control the speed ofAC motors,and does so by varying th...
S ingle or D ual Output Output Voltage RAC10-__ _K/277 Ordering Examples:RAC10-05SK/277 10 Watt 5Vout Single Output RAC10-24SK/277 10 Watt 24Vout Single Output RAC10-12DK/277 10 Watt 12Vout Dual Output ...
DC-AC 转换器控制 IC 产品说明书 1/4 REV. C STRUCTURE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit NAME OF PRODUCT DC-AC Inverter Control IC TYPE BD9896FV FUNCTION ・2ch control with Push-Pull ・Lamp current and voltage sense feed back control ・Sequencing easily achieved with So...