5通道电力放大器MM7055和2通道电力放大器MM7025英文与法语与西班牙语说明书 5 Channel Power Amplifier MM7055 2 Channel Power Amplifier MM7025ENGLISH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL
of QSC, LLC in the U.S. Patent and Trademark office and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Patents may apply or be pending. www.qsc.com 614-00036 unDX2IO+ 4 x 2 Input Dante® Wallplate Interface User Manual Date 2/21/2020
These are targeted for use in very thin platforms, ranging from ultra-thin notebook PCs to smartphones in which existing Standard-A and Micro-AB receptacles are deemed too large, difficult to use, or inadequately robust. While the USB Type-C intercon...