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1 UESTCGreekMythologyII AgeofHeroes Epic 2 TheOriginsofEnglishLiterature 3 Homeriscreditedwithhavingcomposedtwoepicpoems,theIliadandtheOdyssey •TheIliadissetoverthecourseofseveralweeks,duringtheninthyearoftheTrojanWar.•Itsprinciplethemeis“TheWrath(愤怒)ofAchilles.”•TheOdysseynarratesthereturnof...
来源:In Homer's Odyssey, Penelope is the faithful wife of Odysseus, who keeps her suitors at bay in his long absence and is eventually reunited with him. 3. Between Scylla and Charybdis进退维谷 To avoid one danger but fall into another; in a dilemma(腹背受敌;进退两难,左右为难) 含义:Bei...
Miss Leichty:Every weeknight, my family would listen to Adventures in Odyssey on the radio. We listened so often that my brother and I could quote almost an entire episode back and forth to each other. Confession: What did you get in trouble for when...
This story, a personal odyssey, will delve into the intricate process of how individuals evolve, revealing the profound changes that shape their humanity and growth trajectory. At the heart of this tale is John, a shy and introverted teenager who found solace in the pages of his favorite ...