stentor 声音洪亮的人 stentorian 声音洪亮的 25.Odyssey 《奥德赛》 古希腊史诗;历尽沧桑德长途跋涉 Odysseus奥德修斯(古希腊荷马所作史诗《奥德赛》中的主人公,伊塞卡国王,在特洛伊战中献木马计) 26.Siren海上女妖莎琳[塞壬](半人半鸟的海妖, 常用歌声诱惑过路的航海者而...
Poseidon波塞冬(Neptune尼普顿):god of the sea and earthquakes海神 Hera赫拉(Juno朱诺):goddess of marriage; consort of Zeus掌管婚姻和生育德保护女神 Zeus宙斯(Jupiter朱庇特):god of the sky; ruler of Olympus众神之王 Rome to Byzantium-- Byzantine Empire475 the Constantinople in1453was conquered by the ...
梅琳娜·卡纳卡罗兹MelinaKanakaredes扮演雅典娜 肖恩·宾SeanBean扮演主神宙斯 Chaos原始天神该亚Gaea大地女神 俄瑞波斯Erebus永恒黑暗神 尼克斯Nyx黑夜女神 地狱深渊神塔耳塔洛斯Tartarus 厄洛斯Eros爱神 Titan提坦神 埃特耳Aether太空神彭透斯Pentheus海神 乌拉诺斯天神 冥河渡神卡戎charon 赫墨拉Hemera光明神 第一代神灵 尼克...
( ) 2. Poseidon B. goddess of hunting, the moon ( ) 3. Hades C. god of the sea ( ) 4. Hera D. queen of Olympus; goddess of marriage and childbirth ( ) 5. Ceres E. goddess of arts and crafts and defensive war; goddess of wisdom ( ) 6. Athena F. goddess of beauty and se...
西方文化概论练习题 西概 期末复习题 1.The word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses, they are ①Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture. ②An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity ...
古希腊队我们造成影响(英文)TheLegacies&InfluencesofAncientGreece Whatisalegacy?Traditions,skillsandknowledgeofaculturethatgetpassedontopeopleinthefuture SomethingacultureisknownforAgiftfromthepast BabeRuth’slegacywashomerunhitting.NextSlide TheLegacies&InfluencesofAncientGreece Pleaseclickonabuttontoviewmore...