If the fan is attached to the grille, be careful not to pull any wires loose. 4 Use a soft brush to clean dirt and debris from the fins, and then vacuum the fins with a brush attachment (taking care not to damage them). 5 Use a hose and nozzle with a trigger grip to spray ...
It was determined that the refrigerant used for decades in automotive AC, known as R-12, CFC-12, or its brand name Freon, was damaging the ozone layer (it's a chlorofluorocarbon). It was banned from being manufactured in the United States. Why is my car air conditioner not blowing cold...
is head gasket EGR clogging or EGR absence and high temperatures in the number one or two cylinder taking out the head gasket oh well so they're just parked never to be dealt with again we're running the old models they never seem to fail although air conditioning can go bad and either...
but there are specific requirements you need to meet. For example, most scrap yards won’t take an AC unit unless a licensed professional has removed the freon. Taking the time to dismantle an air conditioner can yield even higher profits because of ...
If not try adding BlueDevil Red Angel AC Stop Leak (available here:http://store.gobdp.com/a-c-stop-leak-aerosol-00222/) then adding freon again to get things back to normal. For your Grand Prix it is possible that your hear core is clogged so check your coolant color and make sure...
you should never attempt it on your own.AC coolant is a dangerous chemical that creates serious consequences for those that suffer from exposure. Instead of taking this risk, trust your need for an AC coolant refill in Orange, CA to the experts at Elite HVAC. Call us today at(714) 464-...
We had asked the installer to place it on the side of our home, but somewhere along the line there was a little miscommunication and it got installed off our back patio. Ever since, we have wanted to build a decorative cover around it and not make it such an eye sore. Can anyone els...
We are more than capable of taking on that responsibility and making sure that we are on standby if anything goes wrong. Our goal is to make sure you can be comfortable in your home and fix any issues as soon as possible. In addition, we pride ourselves on the work we not only do ...
This cooler/warmer is essential for anyone who loves taking road trips or going camping! COMPACT SIZE: 6 liter capacity chills 8 Soda cans; interior is 8.19 x 11.02 x 12.01 IN and includes removable shelf so you can store smal...
This is a particularly common problem when people construct additions on their homes without taking their HVAC system into account. So if your AC issue began after the house was expanded or changed in some way, that’s a big tip-off.