AC Milan's Christian Pulisic (C) vies with Monza's Andrea Carboni (L) and Warren Bondo during a Serie A football match between Monza and AC Milan in Monza, Italy, Nov. 2, 2024. (Photo by Alberto Lingria/Xinhua) AC Milan's Theo Hernandez (L) vies with Monza's Pedro Pereira during ...
Expert recap and game analysis of the AC Milan vs. Monza Italian Serie A game from December 17, 2023 on ESPN.
This site uses anonymous, always-on technical and performance cookies to ensure that the site works and measure its performance; profiling cookies, including third-party cookies, and other tracking tools to enable Milan and its partners to measure site performance and send you both non-personaliz...
Week 11: Monza – Milan Monza – Milan November 2 2024 20:45CET The season is threatening to go ‘off the rails’ as controversy and losses mount. Fonseca looks to start Leao on the bench for the third successive Serie A game and the controversy is brewing. The relationship between the ...
AC Milan beat Monza by three goals to nil to claim victory in the second edition of the Silvio Berlusconi Trophy. Saelemaekers scored in the first half and Jović and Reijnders hit the back of the net after the break to hand the Rossoneri the win. Maldini with the momentary ...
#AC Milan# #AC Monza# 关于布雷夏尼尼 1、本赛季租借到蒙扎选择的球衣是23号(上赛季在恩特拉23号是主力后腰保卢奇,选择的是33号),很难不联想到米兰著名的23号——安布罗西尼 2、本场比赛开场时出任3-5-2阵型...
北京时间7月21日晚上00:00,红黑军团ac米兰(ac milan)迎战意大利丙二俱乐部蒙扎(ac Monza),通过尼昂,马斯塔里的进球最终2-0击败了蒙扎队,值得 来自ac米兰吧 惠惠莉亚🌸 咩丶雪老师🐑07-22 10 【罗体】米兰将在佩西纳转会蒙扎交易中至少获得3.5M收益 [Cor Sport] 佩西纳以 300 万的已付租借费和 1200 万...
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AC Milan上一场比赛意外地输给了Monza,这场比赛引起了球迷对皮奥利的轮换和执教能力的质疑。在意甲联赛中,AC Milan争冠已经无望,因此皮奥利需要在欧联杯上下功夫。在与雷恩的附加赛次回合比赛中,AC Milan客场作战,双方展开了一场进球盛宴,莱奥打进了一粒精彩的进球,但AC Milan最终以2:3的比分输掉比赛。尽管输球,...
AC米兰以1-0的比分赢得了他们的第三场连胜,这一次对阵的是同为伦巴第的球队蒙扎。 比赛刚过半小时,梅西亚斯在禁区边缘的一记漂亮的射门足以帮米兰将三分带回家。尽管米兰也错失了几次可以巩固自己优势的关键机会…