While we are no means out of the woods, things certainly feel better than three months ago when we last communicated with all of you. As I've discussed the slowing level of unit returns combined with some steady recent redeployment activity gives us a bit of cautious optimism. We have...
This event was kickstarted with the first keynote speech delivered by Ms. Cathy ZHENG, Coordinator of EENEC Consortium and Head of International Collaboration Dept of Shanghai Technology Innovation Center (STIC), China, o...
30.互相借鉴draw on the merits(experiences, etc.)of each other 31.嘎纳国际电影节Cannes International Film Festival 32.巨额投资whopping sum of investment in….. 33.军事顾问团militaryadvisory group 34.开放兼容open and receptive 35.开始建设kick-start/jump-start the construction 36.孔子学院Confucius In...
Yes, and they edited 69 different genes in the pig genome, the bulk edit out this kind of virus, they're called Porcine Endogenous Retroviruses, and they linger in the pig genome and under the right circumstances could kick back ...
At BigScience we held our first live event (since the kick off) in July BigScience Episode #1. Our second event BigScience Episode #2 was held on September 20th, 2021 with technical talks and updates by the BigScience working groups and invited talks by Jade Abbott (Masakhane), Percy...
Built on a foundation of security, privacy, and compliance, Crypto.com is committed to accelerating the adoption of cryptocurrency through innovation and empowering the next generation of builders, creators, and entrepreneurs to develop a fairer and more equitable digital ecosystem. About the team ...
But the Amazon continues to be burned or cut down to produce beef and soy.36 That means the "lungs of the planet" are taking in less carbon dioxide every day, accelerating climate change. But those lungs don't just pump oxygen and CO2 — they also pump water vapor from the oceans ...
This in turn will fuel consumer demand and kickstart the engine of responsible and sustainable economic growth. We have already achieved our commitment to providing a living wage to our direct employees. As we extend our ambition, we will focus on the most vulnerable workers in manufacturing and...
The tricky thing when using web caches is that you must specify a time-to-live (TTL) when you first deliver the data from the server. After that you do not have any chance to kick the data out. It will be served by the browser cache up to the moment the TTL expires. For st...
retailers start reporting. That's because they're on a later fiscal year than most of the market home. Home Depot will kick things off with its second quarter numbers tomorrow. But before we talk about Home Depot, how would you size up the second quarter and the seco...