MS spectra of ferulic acid-O-glucoside 5 m/z Supplementary Figure 2D. MS spectra of quercetin 3-sambubioside-3'-glucoside 6 m/z Supplementary Figure 2E. MS spectra of quercetin 3-glucosyl-(1->2)-galactoside 7 m/z Supplementary Figure 2F. MS spectra of Quercetin 3-(2G-xylosylrutinoside)...
Curcumin was found to rapidly decompose in aque- ous solutions, yielding the final degradation products vanillin, ferulic acid, and feruloyl methane [27]. These compounds have shifted their absorption maximum to the UV range and they no longer absorb at the wavelength of 427 nm. Thus, the ...
arboreum fiber development. Phenolic acids like caffeic acid, sinapic acid, vanillic acid and ferulic acid are substrates of laccases, which are ester linked to cell wall polysaccharides in developing cotton fiber3. These phenolic compounds are known to influence the cell elongation arrest and ...
(1.江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡214036;2.郑州工程学院粮油食品学院,河南郑州450052)摘 要:以水为溶剂从小麦麸皮中制备水溶性戊聚糖,采用乙醇分级沉淀、离子交换色谱以及凝胶过滤色谱对所得到的水溶性戊聚糖进行纯化分级,得到两个组成不同的组分P 2WSPI12S 和P 2WSPII12S.单糖组成分析表明:P 2WSPI12S 组分由阿拉伯...
K e y w o r d s:ferulic acid;microbial transformation;vanillin 香兰素的化学名称为4-羟基-3-甲氧基苯 甲醛,又名甲基原儿茶醛、香草醛。香兰素用途非常 广泛,被应用于食品、酿酒、医药、日用化工、农业、橡 胶、塑料、烟草等多个行业。香兰素是使用最多的食 品赋香剂之一,有“食品香料之王”的美誉,...
电压的通用I/O 口以及12个独立外部中断引脚等,能够大大简化系统的外围电路设计。较小的封装和极低的功耗使LPC2200可理想地应用于中小型系统中[1]。1.2温度检测部分 温度测量采用pt100热电阻,它的精度高,而且适 宜在环境较恶劣的场合使用。在温度作用下,pt100电阻丝的电阻值随温度变化而变化,它的测量范围为-...
大部分的谷氨酸连接在一些吡喃残留物5,6的O -2位置。Ferulic 酸被酯化后连接在阿拉伯树胶酸残留物的O -5位置上。麦麸中的GAX 在水中难以提取是由于它们相互之间以及和其它细胞壁成分之间的作用,比如木质素和纤维素,通过difer u lic 酸桥和氢键的束缚难以实现在水中提取。本研究的目的是完善提取GAX 的方法。GAX ...
eic, and ferulic acids occurred in bound form, covalently linked to the amine group of hydroxy-substituted oaminobenzoic acids. The structures of three conjugates were determined, and at least six others were detected. The authors noted that there is a possibility of four stereoisomeric con?