Oil, air and fuel lters are vital components in any engine. They provide the rst line of defence from harmful contaminants that can seriously degrade engine performance and lifespan. The decision to use ACDelco Filters is one of the easiest and ...
FILTERS CHEMICALS & FLUIDS IGNITION PARTS TRANSMISSIONS STEERING & SUSPENSION HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL BRAKE SYSTEM BODY WHY GM GENUINE PARTS AND ACDELCO Innovation brings challenge and opportunity, and we’re suiting up for both. Because when it comes to the evolving maintenance, repair...
ACDelco Gold Oil Filters An engine running on dirty oil won't last. Keep it clean with an ACDelco Gold oil filter. They help trap particles up to 25 microns, or one-third the width of a human hair, thereby improving the quality, performance, and lifespan of your engine. ACDelco makes...
经营商品 蓄电池、滤清器、刹车片、雨刷、油品及化学品 滤清器、制动系统、底盘部件、WIX滤清器 品牌参数 品牌发源地 墨西哥 美国 成立时间 1899年 2004年 注册资金 2000万元 300万元加盟条件 加盟费 6万元 10万元 保证金 2万元 5万元 特许使用费 3万元 4万元 适合人群 自由创业、在岗投资、网店形式 自由创业...
I would like to buy the correct AC Delco filter wrench to use with this filter. AC has a few filters available, but I don't know which one will fit this filter. Can you confirm which one? Thank you! 2 answers Answer this Question LYNCH · 8 years ago It is NOT a KTI-73618...
经营商品 滤清器、制动系统、底盘部件、WIX滤清器 蓄电池、滤清器、刹车片、雨刷、油品及化学品 品牌参数 品牌发源地 美国 墨西哥 成立时间 2004年 1899年 注册资金 300万元 2000万元加盟条件 加盟费 10万元 6万元 保证金 5万元 2万元 特许使用费 4万元 3万元 适合人群 自由创业、在岗投资 自由创业、在岗投资...