Perhaps it is better with a capacitor? Alex At 1 December 2014, 18:00:28 user taher wrote: [reply @ taher] Hi It's nice project. I want to make one on PIC. Can you show me the way how to load .Hex(binary) file to PIC12f615 micro controller using PIC2Kit? please reply ASAP...
A large capacitor (C1) is used to smooth a part of the rectifier's output power. This will be used as the power supply of the rest of the circuit. The diode D1 is very important. Without this diode, the signal that is drivern to the zero-cross detection would be smoothed as well...
Badger Fire Protection Extinguisher B30RG BC Brigade 46 Reznor 201950 Gear Motor / Capacitor Assembly Rex Engin Leco 773-377 A/D Converter Card Carver Lab Press Test Cylinder Outfit TCO 2090-0 Reliance Electric SP200 AC Drive Dual Channel Analog S2 Reliance Electric SP200 AC Drive Preset Speed ...