ACNo:20-115C Change: 1.PurposeofthisAdvisoryCircular(AC). a.ThisACdescribesanacceptablemeans,butnottheonlymeans,forshowingcompliance withtheapplicableairworthinessregulationsforthesoftwareaspectsofairbornesystemsand equipmentcertification.ThisACisnotmandatoryandisnotaregulation.OtherACsmay ...
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# 创建连接AC的三层接口VLANIF20。 [CORE]interface vlanif 20[CORE-Vlanif20]ip address[CORE-Vlanif20]quit # 配置与接入交换机ACC1连接的下行接口。 [AGG1]interface eth-trunk 30[AGG1-Eth-Trunk30]mode lacp[AGG1-Eth-Trunk30]port link-type trunk[AGG1-Eth-Trunk30]po...
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有效 0 〇 113H E-20 电压自动调节功能 0:无效 1:全程有效 2:仅减速时无效 0 ● 114H E-21 点动频率 0.00Hz~上限频率 5.00 ● 115H E-22 点动加速时间 0.1~6500.0 秒 2.0 ● 116H E-23 点动减速时间 0.1~6500.0 秒 2.0 ● 117H E-24 启动频率 0.00~60.00Hz 0.50 〇 118H E-25 启动...
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[ACC1]vlan batch 20 50 # 配置与汇聚交换机AGG1连接的上行接口。 [ACC1]interface eth-trunk 30[ACC1-Eth-Trunk30]mode lacp[ACC1-Eth-Trunk30]port link-type trunk[ACC1-Eth-Trunk30]undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1[ACC1-Eth-Trunk30]port trunk allow-pass vlan 20 50[ACC1-Eth-Trunk30]qu...