He was saying, “You have to press on and take hold of what Jesus Christ has done for you. Press into that grace and mercy. Press into the abundant life He has given you.” Jesus never said the abundant life was going to be easy. It wasn’t easy for Him. It cost Him His life...
and the giveaway was my constant negative emotions. You see, I hadsentencesI was trying to overturn. Life experiences hand you sentences about your identity and the worth you carry, and my sentences were not kind. You should hear the stuff the enemy whispers in my hear, the stuff I fear...
AND FOLLOW JESUS You were created for theABUNDANT LIFE.We are theFAMILYto help you experience it. Watch Live Online Watch A Past Service GROW CONNECT DISCIPLE LAUNCH establish your walk with Christ with community deepen your walk with Christ ...
SERVICE TIME & LOCATION Sundays at 10:00 am We meet at: The Ranch (inside the Simi Town Center Mall) 1555 Simi Town Center Way Suite #730 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Get The App Stay connected and get the latest content. Download The App...
Do you want to see your life changed by Jesus? Abundant Life in Missouri can help. Connect with those in our church, serve others, and grow your faith.
Abundant Life Church is about connecting people to Jesus Christ and other believers, helping them grow in faith and equipping them to serve God by serving others.
Abundant Life UPC's desire is to carry out the commission of Jesus to this lost and hungry world...to love our fellow man (Matt. 22:37-39). This is the harvest for which we at Abundant Life are seeking to gleen; souls desiring the healing and happiness that only salvation can bring...
Living The Abundant Life Through Christ Faith Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 Prayer Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Relationships Take delight in honoring one another. Romans 12:10 Recovery Heal me, O Lord, and ...
. You can be all God has called you to be in Jesus Christ. Through the Word taught on Sundays and at our midweek services, to the fellowship we share, we absolutely look forward to doing life with you. Abundant Life Chapel isn’t a church you go to, it is a family you belong in...
Christ. Our services are Holy Ghost lead and spirit filled. Oh, and prayer is always on the menu. How does your church study God's word? How do I plan my visit? Who should I contact? Life Teams Our Calendar C.L.I.C.C.