The resolution by ADDED will lead to the enhancement of the role played by citizens as well as non-citizens in boosting the business sector in Abu Dhabi. While stimulating the investment and business environment in the UAE, the change will create additional job opportunities in certain fields. 4...
l Time of therapy-When prolonged therapy is re- quired, the distal portion of the vein should ini- tially be used with subsequent re-sites above. If possible, alternate arms and remember to begin distally and work proximally.By Nawal AhmedDipNsgNurse EducatorMafraq Hospital...
What Type of Personality Are You ??? Assertive, Non assertive or AggressiveYou must remember that it takes time and prac- tice, as well as willingness to accept yourself as you make mistakes, to reach the goal of acting asser- tivelyBy Mona Ameen BN MN...