“Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” 的意思是巴格达的巴卡尔的爹。【转发】@美国驻华大使馆:伊斯兰国组织(ISIS)头目阿布·贝克尔·巴格达迪(Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)得到了他长久以来应得的命运,在美国特种部队对叙利亚他...
abu bakr al-baghdadi 读音:美英 abu bakr al-baghdadi基本解释 巴格达迪 分词解释 Abu[地名] [几内亚比绍] 阿布 bakr(Bakr)人名 abu bakr al-baghdadi是什么意思 abu bakr al-baghdadi怎么读 abu bakr al-baghdadi在线翻译 abu bakr al-baghdadi中文意思 abu bakr al-baghdadi的解释 abu bakr al-baghdadi的...
Early Sunday morning, President Trump all but hailed victory as he announced that brutal ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been killed during a U.S. raid in Syria. Mr. Trumpannounced al-Baghdadi's deathin graphic detail during an address to the nation in wh...
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. Como sí mismo: Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS. Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi nació el 28 de julio de 1971 en Irak. Murió el 26 de octubre de 2019 en Barisha, Syria.
阿布·巴克尔·巴格达迪(阿拉伯语:أبو بكر البغدادي,英语:Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi),本名阿瓦徳·易卜拉欣·阿里·巴德里·萨马赖,逊尼派穆斯林,极端恐怖组织“伊斯兰国”的首领。 毕业于伊斯兰大学,于2010年开始掌握基地组织,2012年成为ISIS的头目,被称为本·拉登的真正继承者...
年份 评价 全部 灰尘 2019 演员 地狱之地:叙利亚的衰落与ISIS的崛起 2017 8.3 演员- 自己 幽灵之城 2017 8.0 演员- 自己 突尼斯恐怖袭击 2015 演员 是权力和恐怖? 2015 演员- 自己 在萨拉菲斯特之后 2013 演员- 自己 > 我来报错 >去 阿布·巴克尔·巴格达迪 影人页 ...
Donald Trump tweeted a photo of the dog that chased ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi into the tunnel, where he detonated his suicide vest, killing himself and three children.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: The man who would be caliphThe Week
Washington— Vice President Mike Pence hailed the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during a U.S. special forces raid as an important victory in the Trump administration's strategy to weaken and dismantle the global terrorist group, which has come under scrutiny...
Statement attributed to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi comes after rumors that he was wounded in U.S.-led airstrike