Telisotuzumab (ABT-700) (10 μg/mL, 24 h) 可以抑制 SNU5 细胞的增殖,并导致促凋亡的 Bim 增加和抗凋亡的 Bcl-xL 减少,从而诱发细胞凋亡 体内研究 Telisotuzumab (ABT-700) (i.p., 2.5-40 mg/kg, twice a week, 90 days) 有效拮抗构成性激活的 c-Met 和下游信号,从而抑制 Hs746T 细胞 SC...
产品名称:Telisotuzumab;特立妥珠单抗ABT-700|||Mab-224G11;ABT-700|||Mab-224G11 产品型号:T77437 产品产地:中国大陆 采购热度: 简介内容:Telisotuzumab(ABT-700) is a humanized recombinant antibody targeting the therapeutic hepatocyte growth factor receptor (MET) with high affinity for has inhibitory...
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RESULTS: ABT-700 exhibits a distinctive ability to block both HGF-independent constitutive c-Met signaling and HGF-dependent activation of c-Met. Cancer cells addicted to the constitutively activated c-Met signaling driven by MET amplification undergo apoptosis upon exposure to ABT-700. ABT-700 ...
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