What is abstraction in oops with example? Abstraction meansdisplaying only essential information and hiding the details. Data abstraction refers to providing only essential information about the data to the outside world, hiding the background details or implementation. Consider a real life example of ...
I would highly recommend you to read it so that you have a basic overview of all the Object Oriented Programming Concepts. In this guide, we will discuss four important features of OOPs with the help of real life examples.
Let’s see one moreexample of abstraction in Java using interfaces. In this example, I am creating various reports which can be run on demand at any time during the application’s lifetime. As a consumer of the report, a class needs not to know the internals of the report’s run(), ...
Real-World Example In a car, the abstraction is the steering wheel and pedals; you don’t need to know how the engine works. The car’s engine encapsulates its internal workings; you interact with it through the car’s controls without accessing the engine directly. Use Case Simplifying ...
In real-time, the laptop is a perfect example of abstraction in c#. A laptop consists of many things such as a processor, RAM, motherboard, LCD screen, camera, USB ports, battery, speakers, etc. To use it, we need to know how to operate the laptop by switching it on, and we don...
I would like to quote a real time example. suppose your are developing a login page for an application. On the design perspective you would think that a the login class will require only user name and password rather than the adress or a phone number.This design descion is made using abs...
Get invaluable Interview and Career Tips delivered directly to your inbox. Get your news alert set up today, Once you confirm your Email subscription, you will be able to download Job Inteview Questions Ebook . Please contact me if you there is any issue with the download. ...
Can u please explain about abstraction and encapsulation oops concepts furrysays: 14/02/2013 at 11:35 pm “Suppose we have implemented a scenario and we used aggregation in it, after some time we realize that use of aggregation is not a correct choice, now we want to use composition instea...
A simple example to understand Abstraction in OOPs is mentioned below: Example: a) abstarct classs code ; e.g.: package com.practise.tets;publicabstractclassAbstractClassexmaple{publicstaticfinalString strTest="Normal final string to check";String msg="";AbstractClassexmaple(String msg){this.msg...
Therefore, in this article, we have seen a detailed discussion on the usage of abstraction, an OOPS concept and applied in real-world applications. Abstract classes are especially beneficial when working on projects with other developers where the modules are done parallel. I hope. You all unders...